Monday, November 26, 2012

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Prop 34?

This measure would have abolished the death penalty in California and replaced it with life imprisonment without parole. It also would have issued $100 million to be distributed to law enforcement agencies to put towards solving homicide and rape cases.

How much has California spent due to the death penalty so far and how much annually?

Our beloved state has spent over $4 billion since 1978 on capitol punishment. Annually, we now spend around $184 million per year on it.

How much does it cost for a person to be on death row vs. life imprisonment?

Annually, it costs over $90,000 per person on death row and 27,000 per year for a person on lifetime incarceration.

How many people have been executed in California because of the death penalty?

Since 1976 there has been 13 executions

How many people are on death row in California as of now?

1 comment:

  1. Honestly the death penalty is pretty useless if only 13 have actually been executed since 1976. I'm curious as to how it costs $63,000 more annually to accommodate a prisoner on death row as opposed to one that is not.

    - Joseph LeGarreta
